Rocky Mountain Surprise Proposal // Payton & Marisa

Nothing in life is perfect… except for this Rocky Mountain surprise proposal. The location, the picnic, the couple, everything aligned so beautifully! In this blog, I’ll be sharing Payton & Marisa’s surprise proposal story, as well as a few tips on how to get the best engagement photos of your own. Trust me, you’re not gonna want to miss this one!

Payton & Marisa’s Rocky mountain surprise proposal

We’re taking this story all the way back to when Payton first inquired with me. He knew he wanted to propose to Marisa for awhile, but was waiting for the perfect time. They had already decided as a collective that they wanted a mountainous proposal, which would require some planning! Marisa had already been following me on Instagram, so Payton knew exactly who to call when he was ready to pop the question.

Pro Tip: If you think a proposal is in the near future, let your partner know who you want to document it for you well beforehand!

When Payton reached out, he was so passionate and excited about proposing, and I couldn’t help but to match his energy. I’m naturally the same way, so it was a seamless fit right away. After that, we got to planning the perfect surprise proposal!

how the surprise proposal process works

Consultation call

After the initial inquiry, we scheduled a consultation call so that I could learn all about their relationship. I strive to make each session unique to every couple, so that requires me to dig a little deep. I learned that Payton and Marisa originally met at her family’s pizza shop - how cute! On their first date, they stayed out all night and chatted over their favorite candy: Swedish Fish. Just these two details alone gave me so much inspiration for their engagement session!

Personalized planning

As I said earlier, Payton already knew that he wanted to propose outdoors, preferably somewhere mountainous. Given that I’m a photographer who specializes in mountainous locations, I was all ears! I suggested the Rocky Mountains and it was officially decided on. We discussed the exact location within the mountains, something I do with all my couples. I’m very familiar with the mountains of Colorado and know the different spots like the back of my hand. I’m able to give custom location suggestions that are unique to my knowledge and experience as a photographer!

We ended up deciding on Loveland Pass, one of my favorite locations in all of Colorado. It's perfect for both sunrise and sunset sessions, probably because of its almost 12,000-foot above-sea-level elevation. Crazy, right? If that wasn't enough, it's one of the most beautiful spots for wildflowers when in season. We're talking multiple alpine lakes, 360-degree views, and wildflower fields. Loveland Pass is never a bad choice for engagement photos!

I knew that Payton wanted to make this proposal special, so I suggested having a little mountain picnic setup when they got there. He loved the idea, so I got to work on bringing it to life! We decided on pizza, Swedish Fish, and champagne for the food & drink of choice. I have the most adorable thrifted picnic basket that I’d been dying to use, and the perfect opportunity presented itself! I brainstormed some ideas to make the picnic a little extra romantic, so I ended up bringing a dozen pink roses and decorated their setup beforehand. I couldn’t wait for them to see what I came up with!

The day-of

Name something more exciting than waking up, driving to the mountains, and waiting in anticipation to document a surprise proposal. I’ll wait! On the day-of I was watching the weather like a hawk. The weather called for showers on their proposal day, but it honestly didn’t phase me one bit. In Colorado, you never really know what weather you’re in for, so I’m always prepared for anything! Since it was a surprise, I couldn’t contact Payton because he would be with Marisa all day. I’m so happy that he trusted me and went along with the plan despite the forecasted weather. And when I got there…

It. Was. Perfect.

There was some rain in the beginning, but then the clouds broke just in time for me to get their picnic set up. It stopped raining right as they arrived and held out through Payton getting on his knee. Then a light sprinkle happened during their picnic (a little cold, a little wet, but so magical!). Towards the end, the sun came out and created the most vibrant rainbow I've ever seen. The scenery was so lush and everything was sparkling from the rain. It was truly perfect and the two of them embraced it — wet hair and all!

Of course, Marisa said “yes” and we took the most beautiful Rocky Mountain engagement photos ever. The happiness was radiating off of them the entire time, and I was so honored to be present for such a joyous occasion!

A few engagement session tips

Embrace the weather - Like I said, you never know what you’re gonna get in Colorado. Rain or shine, have faith that your photos will turn out great, no matter what. If you let the weather put a damper on your mood, no one’s gonna have a good time!

Personalize your session - Bring props to personalize your photos, get inspired by special moments in your relationship, and choose a location that’s meaningful. I help with this a ton so you can have an outside perspective on how to make your session unique.

Trust your photographer - Things would have went completely different if Payton hadn’t trusted me to execute our vision. He put total faith in me to create this awesome experience for him and Marisa, and it was truly amazing. Going above and beyond for my couples is something they should expect, but this only happens naturally when they trust me.

Looking for a Rocky Mountain engagement photographer?

You already know I’m your girl! To get in touch with me about photographing your proposal, you can fill out my contact form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. While you’re waiting in anticipation, feel free to read through the FAQ section on my website to learn a little more about what it’s like to be one of my couples. And if you want more engagement inspiration, check out my Pinterest profile!


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